The Friends' Inbox-The Case of the Puppy-Dog Jumpoff

From the Friends' Inbox 9-16-09:


I need help deciding if I should kick a friend of mine off of my
radar! I have been friends with her for 8 years. I have stuck with
her through a divorce, an abusive relationship, a marriage, another
divorce, and a series of up and down "jump-off" deals. In my opinion,
she gives too much of herself TOO SOON. For instance, she started
dating a guy that she met when ANOTHER Friend of mine stopped talking
to this dude! She became CONSUMED with him. Taking him lunch and
dinner at his request, being his late night companion, buying tickets
to sports events for HIM and her when I've never known her to even
really like the sports she was now attending. I and a couple of my
other friends brought it to her attention that he is using her. She
immediately jumped into a relationship with a guy who was a youth
sports coach. Before I knew it, she was attending all of his sporting
events and had taken a sudden liking to watching AND ORDERING all the
UFC fights!

She recently moved where an old friend of hers is staying. THEN she
was picking up and taking that friend's daughter everywhere. Not
going places with us because she had to attend to somebody else's
child! II traded a box set of workout DVD's with her neighbor and she
gave her neighbor my number to ask for them back. Her neighbor/friend
left me all kinds of ignorant messages, but when I saw her-she had
nothing to say, did not return MY property, and in the process MY
friend stopped talking to me because I know she's too much of a coward
to face up to any adversity.

Over the years, it has been ME calling her and checking on her
everyday. My family has been the family that she doesn't have.
Recently, in an outing with my friends we saw her. She purposefully
spoke to every one of them BUT me. I know she is being over-used by
her "man" that we all know doesn't claim her-breaking her bank account
to give him what she wants. We saw proof. I know her neighbor friend
is also abusing her availability, but I am so disappointed in the way
she has handled things.

She still has my DVD's but I don't care because I don't use them.
Part of me wants to call her on all this bullcrap and part of me says
it's not worth it.
What do you think?
You are right, it's not worth it. She is an idiot first and foremost. She allows people to use and abuse her but the ones that do care about her, she treats like they have the plague or swine flu.

This chick has taken up with a guy who used to fate another friend (a BIG no no) and is acting like his servant. She needs a kick in the throat and some self esteem pills.

You have done more than enough and over extended yourself to someone who does not deserve it. Leave it alone, it's her turn to make an effort and if she doesn't what are you really losing? Nothing of value.

Remember, birds of a feather flock together. Don't be a bird like this yamp.


This is an easy one. Replace that friendship opening with a less needy, more appreciative, cuter friend.


Well, friend-it seems that The Friend's think that this is a friendship you should just let go of.
Puppy-Dog Jumpoff Friend-

Thoughts or comments for our Friend? To the comments we go!!
Posted on 10:38 AM by You Have Been TOLD and filed under , | 1 Comments »


Anonymous said... @ March 24, 2013 at 11:39 AM

NLP behavioural modelling allows us to discovery how we think,
feel and behave. Your family members and friends should always remind you whenever
they see your fingers in your mouth. Quite a few nail biters will also continue biting and chewing their fingernails
despite extreme damage and bleeding from the nail

Feel free to surf to my blog post Nail biting

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