The Friends' Inbox-Fatty Fatty 2 x 4

From The Friends' Inbox submitted 9/18:


This is taken from Ask Reddit:

As stated in the title, I'm a 25 year old female that's pretty overweight. Since I'm tall, people don't usually suspect that I weigh as much as I do (for full disclosure, I'm 5'10" and weigh about 350lbs). I often wonder how I let myself get this way, but haven't come up with any good answers, other than laziness and being an emotional/boredom eater, plus not having a ton of money when I was at college & therefore usually opting for fast food/junk. I grew up in a single parent household. My mother was awful about nutrition and her idea of cooking was making a box of mac & cheese. She also got me in the habit of reaching for comfort food when upset, which is a hard habit to break.

My mother, who is only 48, has faced significant health problems due to her weight-- 2 years ago she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and hypertension. Just last week she went back to the hospital and was diagnosed with the onset of Type 2 diabetes, which runs in our family. She is very overweight, and lives a completely sedentary lifestyle. She's come very close to dying multiple times because of her weight, and I don't want to end up that way.

I've done a LOT of reading and research over the years-- I know it's about calorie intake versus calories burned, I know how important regular exercise is, etc. I live in NY so I tend to do a lot of walking anyway, and I'm trying to be better at cooking my own meals, making better choices, etc.

Does anyone have any tips? Have you lost a significant amount of weight before and want to share some things that helped you along the way? Tips on boosting will power? Any suggestions at all are helpful, as I really want to get back on track and change my life. I'm too young to be as unhealthy as I am, and I really want to put less of a strain on my body and make it stronger and healthier.

ETA: Despite my weight, I should mention that I do a LOT of walking. I don't own a car and walk to/from the subway, to/from work, etc. I'm not sedentary, but I do get out of breath if I have to climb a ton of stairs. I recently joined a gym though, so I have access to that, and just have to get myself there, which sometimes is hard to do when I've worked a long day. That's just a matter of willpower though, and I REALLY want to do this, so that's not a problem anymore.

Also, I don't drink soda, don't eat fast food (in its typical sense-- I do tend to grab lunch out a lot), and don't gorge myself on candy and cake every night, though I do have a crazy sweet tooth.

I know this isn't an overnight thing, and will take many years to get down to a proper weight, plus it's a lifestyle change, not just a "diet" to follow until I get to the weight I want to be at. Thanks for all the comments so far guys, I appreciate it!


First of all, I commend you for reaching out to an open forum for suggestions on how to change your lifestyle. I think you are on the right track, but I think you really need to let go of what got you to where you are and move on to where you WANT to be.

You mention quite a few things in here about your mother and the habits she "gave" to you. The thing is, you're 25-now you are making a conscious ddecision to follow those habits. I heard the trainer say something on "THE BIGGEST LOSER" last week that was profound to me as relating to my life. 'What has happened to you is JUST a story and it's in YOUR mind. CHANGE YOUR MIND. MAKE A DIFFERENT DECISION!'

If you are walking a lot and you don't see any results, I'd have to say that your calorie intake still far exceeds the amount you are burning. I have lost quite a bit of weight and size in places of my body but I have a very wide frame. So if I was looking to lose many dress sizes, that is not going to happen. My bone structure is the way it is!

I also don't diet. I don't eat a lot of sweets so my sugar intake is minimal, but I do follow my calories. I measure my workouts by my meals. If I haven't ate much in a day and not as much as I know I should-I will not workout two times a day because I will be overexerting my body. If I eat meals that exceed my normal calorie intake, I will add another cardio workout in to compensate for that.

I have told many people trying to get into a workout routine to commit to doing SOMETHING for two weeks. Whether it be doing 15 minutes of cardio every day, walking for a fixed period of time during your lunches, picking out five exercises and doing them in a circuit everyday-whatever it may be, it doesn't have to be something extraordinary, but commit to doing and DO IT!

Personally, I don't think it will take many years to LOSE weight, your long term process will be finding a healthy lifestyle that fits you and maintaining it.

I constantly have to find new things to introduce into my workout routine to keep it interesting and stimulating for my mind and my body.

I wish you the best of luck in your journey. I hope you are able to forget about the things that got you to where you are and focus on the things that will take you to where you want to be.


First, let me congratulate you on committing to a healthier lifestyle! Lord knows most of us have had/are still struggling with weight issues. My advice to you is to first, enlist the help of professionals if you are serious about losing a significant amount of weight. You should consult with your doctor to make sure you are embarking on a healthy adventure, but also consider a group such as Weight Watchers where you will learn about nutrition as well as have group support and ACCOUNTABILITY! For me, the hardest part of getting to the gym is knowing that no one will force me to go. If I have a workout scheduled with a friend, though, there is someone else to give me that gentle push a lot of us need from time to time. More than anything, get that support network. Yes, let your friends and family know that you appreciate their love for you regardless of size, but that if they really love you they want you to be healthier and live a longer, more fulfilling life! Finally, don't let the numbers (either on the scale or on the label) dictate how you define success. We are all built differently, so work with your doctor and/or a nutritionist to come up with a healthy size for your particular body. Good luck to you! Make sure you get those before and after photos so you can really appreciate how far you come! The Friends are rootin' for ya!


Well, Fatty, as stated above, The Friends' are definitely jumping on the "YOU GO GIRL" bandwagon! We wish you all the best, and:

Anybody have weight loss stories, tips, or advice for our new Friend? To the comments we go!!
Posted on 12:22 PM by You Have Been TOLD and filed under | 0 Comments »


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