The Friends Inbox-Mashonda vs. Alicia, Who's got the Beatz??

From The Friends' Inbox 9-28:

What do you guys have to say about the Alicia+Mashonda+Swizz Beatz Love triangle?

Who's wrong?

I am not mad at Mashonda. Folks always saying the spouse who has been cheated on needs to take the high road. But if Alicia Keys won't be a woman and talk to her, she did what she needed to do to get her attention. And she has a right to want to speak with Alicia who may be around her young son. A parent should be able to speak with/be comfortable with individuals who may be around their small child for an extended period of time.

Swizz Beatz, you should be ashamed. No matter why your marriage is breaking up, have enough respect for your child and mother of your child to wait before engaging in a serious, very public relationship. At least have started divorce, all you have is a temporary support order. And you are going to lay up in Alicia Key's home? The least you could do is ask your jump-off act like you are still married. You only have two general beats you use anyway and just tweak them. And shut up on a song. Nobody wants to hear "Swizzy""swizz beatz" or whatever it is you are saying for no good got damn reason.

Alicia, you fake, homewrecking trollup. I've heard your song "Karma" you old hypocritical sloth dog. I've heard Superwoman too.Does the S on your chest stand for slore? How dare you? How dare you get up there and act like a role model, promoter of love and relationships and a compass for morality to some and shack up with a married man who has a small child and made no real efforts to begin the divorce process? Were you that tired of the lesbian rumors? Your relationship with Kerri pushed you to want some married dilz? Normally, folks would not react as strongly, even though they are disgusted. But we cannot ignore that nasty, bottom feeding, low budget ish that you are doing. And let's put all the infidelity and common alley cat tackhead stuff to the side for just a moment. There's a small child involved. You played a part in destroying his home, no matter how you slice it. Even more than that, you are embarking on what is supposed to be a serious relationship with his father. As a woman, the least you can do is speak with his mother, not about your harlot ways, but about her child....with the married man you have staked a claim on. You need to listen to your own song "karma" you stank, rank side piece,jumpoff, mistress, LOVER. Sidebar- Did you know she has the nerve to have lover as part of her twitter profile? He's married, so you are NOT his woman.

They are both overrated imo anyway.....


Oh, my my my...Hmmm.
Well, I don't know if I can really say who's WRONG, because I'm not sure anybody in this situation is RIGHT!!
From what I've read, they haven't verified Mashonda's Twitter. I sincerely hope it's not her. In the day of technology that we are in, the things we put out there are on the internet FOREVER. Thanks Google. So to me, in a situation like this-do you want to put up something that your kids can google later on? I speak from EXPERIENCE when I say it is VERY painful for a child to learn that one of their parents is having an adulterous relationship. However, it seems to me that they have been separated for some time? If that is the case, and Mashonda KNOWS her "husband" is out doing his own thing-she is JUST as capable as filing for divorce as he is. Again, when people stay in unhealthy relationships fo whatever their own selfish personal reasons are-I really wish they would stop and think about the message they are sending to their children. In this case-stay in a relationship where the significant other PUBLICLY disrespects you and your family and settle for it anyway. Is THAT the type of relationship she would want her daughter or son to grow up and settle for? I don't think so. After reading the tweets from Alicia Keys, I didn't feel like they singled out Mashonda or her relationship, I feel like it was a conversation that she chose to put on her twitter account and Mashonda took it personally because it offended her in some way. Mashonda-if you are over your husband-file for divorce. I don't think that what you wrote was over the top but I do think it was unnecessary. You surely could have found other ways to reach out to her, and this was your choice because you are tired of being on the back burner and obviously felt as though people aren't seeing your side of the story.

Swizz Beatz-I surely hope that your reasoning for only having a temporary support order doesn't have anything to do with you not wanting to pay alimony or actual child support. However, I realize as others may not, that this can be a very tricky court proceeding. The court process can be long and drawn out when children are involved because both parties have to agree on the splitting of property, a parenting plan, and everything else that goes along with it. So, I hope that the divorce IS in process and that neither one of you are holding it up for selfish reasons. I know it can be a long process, but if both parties are doing what's best for the CHILD, it's not AS long.

Alicia-the only thing I have to say to you is what I have to say to every chick that chooses to be involved with a man that is already in a relationship. The fact that you are okay with being #2 says something about YOU, not him. Regardless of what he tells you, regardless of the relationship that you have-you still stand side by side with a man that has some business to take care of. I have no way of knowing how he is handling that. BUT, until he takes care of his business and is a divorced man handling his business from a previous relationship-everything that you are doing is COMMUNITY SERVICE. Everything he works for, everything he has, everything he puts his hands on belongs to his WIFE. At the end of the day, SHE is the one who gets the benefits from what he works for. He may not talk to her, he may not have a relationship with her, he may be telling you that you are everything he wants and everything he needs-but until he handles his own business-he doesn't want or need you enough to make you priority #1 in his personal life. Therefore, everything YOU do-you are doing it for FREE.

Like I said, I don't know the ACTUAL situation, but I've been on both sides of it. If you are the other woman-stay in your lane and realize that how he handles his business is a reflection of who HE IS.  In most situations when a person has somebody on the side-when they choose to honestly settle down again-it won't be with the sidepiece because somewhere along the line they wonder if they can TRUST that person. Irony at it's best.  If you are the woman that is accepting this kind of behavior, this is now a reflection of YOU and your own self worth.  You are just as capable of walking away as he is of cheating on you.  You have to think, that person is not asking to have their cake and eat it too, YOU are holding the cake dish and the fork!  At some point it's not their fault for putting you through a damn thing-it's YOUR fault for accepting it!  And as hard as it is to walk away from the comfort of a relationship-all of us who have cheated did because we wanted to-because we could.  There's no way to take the hurt back-but if there's any love at all-love that person enough to walk away since you've already turned your back.

Like I said, I can't say who's wrong. But I also can't say ANYBODY is right. I don't know if all the facts are FACTS, but in all three situations for these people or ANYBODY-you have to ask yourself how much you are worth to YOU.


Well, The Friends have spoken.  Who do you think is to blame here?  Is Mashonda just venting her frustrations, or does she need to let it go?  Is Swizz Beatz at fault here?  Is he just adding salt to the seemingly already infected wound?  Is Alicia a homewrecker?  Is it possible to wreck a home that's already wrecked?

Well, Mashonda, Swizz Beatz, and Alicia, if you can't say anything else, you can say

What do you think?  Is anybody right?  Who's wrong?  Is there any lesser to the evils?  To the comments we go!!
Posted on 10:57 AM by You Have Been TOLD and filed under | 1 Comments »


Anonymous said... @ September 28, 2009 at 1:55 PM

Alicia is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy to classy for this. I dont think she meant a thing by it, and I bet she wont respond.

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