The Political PUSH-BACK featuring the FRIENDS!!

It's been quite a volatile week in the arena of politics hasn't it?

First-we don't want to let our president address our CHILDREN?  We had schools not showing it, sending home permission slips, or letting it be shown to "select" students at schools all over the nation.  Forget the grown ups-opinions have been made and lines have been drawn, but WHAT are we showing our children?  The President now is NOT important enough to address our students?  Can any one school district supply proof where the same protocol was followed for George W. Bush in 1991 or Ronald Reagan in 1988?

Nobody wants to talk about the racism, but what else do you call it?

Then, during our President's address to congress there were NUMEROUS displays of disrespect directed at our Commander-in-Chief.  Most notably the outburst of  "YOU LIE" by Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC).
But also were the Republicans holding up stacks of paper during the speech, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) wearing a sign saying "WHAT BILL"-where is the respect? 
Forget the party lines, forget the agreements and disagreements-what happened to basic respect.  Is America showing our true colors?  Are we showing that how far we come isn't really that far at all?

The friends would be remiss to pass along these current issues.  Read along with us here as we address ALL of these people, including our President.  See who will GET TOLD!!

As I spin in my big office chair, I think that it's not fun admonishing staff. Even less fun to fire them until now. Enter Joe Wilson....the most un-American, hateful, inappropriate individual on Capitol Hill right now. But I shouldn't be surprised considering Joe used to work for Strom Thurmond.

For those of you who missed it, Joe Wilson is a Republican politician from the U.S. state of South Carolina, currently representing the state's 2nd congressional district (map), in the U.S. House of Representatives. During the September 9, 2009 speech to a joint session of Congress by President Obama, Wilson called out "You lie!" as Obama said there was no coverage for illegal immigrants in his healthcare plan.

Wow! Immature and inappropriate much? What purpose did that serve sir other than to anger people, make you and your party and your crusade against affordable healthcare for all American citizens into something to rally against? Whether you agree or not or believe President Obama or not, your actions were TOTALLY disrespectful, unprofessional and out of line. You were on live worldwide tv and like him or not, Barack Obama is our president. Even if you do not agree with his plan, that was not the time, place nor the method in which to express your disapproval. Is that how you conduct yourself? And people were worried about what the President would say to the school children...

As unqualified, simple minded and inarticulate as George Walker Bush was, nobody in the United States, much less an ELECTED PUBLIC SERVANT, ever treated a sitting president with such outright disrespect.

I am 99.9% sure that Wilson did not even read Obama's health care plan (speaking of, have you?) and what he knows, he probably learned as a lemming following Hannity and Beck. Read Obama's plan:

I am SICK of incompetent sheeple taking the words of those who are not even knowledgeable on a subject and running with lies and unfounded "information". Joe, you have done your party, your constiuents and the American people a grave injustice. You showed your true colors and immaturity. You are divisive and clearly should not be holding such a public office. Therefore, I'm donating to your opponent, Rob Miller. Donate at:

And it's too little too late to apologize. Because everybody knows it's a feeble attempt to save your career. You do not mean it, at least have a little integrity and stick by your Tourette's like outburst.

How can we as a nation build and move on when our supposed leadership is acting like he was raised by hyenas?

It is time we start holding our elected officials to higher standards. They must work together for the greater good of ALL Americans, not themselves or big business. And anybody getting in the way of that needs to go. So on that note, Joe Wilson you are fired. No unemployment, no benefits and you lose your 401k and retirement package. Security will escort you out and don't even try to sneak any office supplies.

Get out,

I am saddened by this week's events, but not surprised. Regarding schools and the President's address to students, I direct only two questions to parents: 1. How many protesting parents took time to actually read the speech rather than react without a foundation? 2. If you actually read the speech, which portion did you find potentially damaging to your child?

I agree that President Obama is not getting a fair deal on this. People are reacting out of unjustified assumptions and stereotypes rather than raising legitimate concerns. As the President of the United States, you have earned the right to do certain things such as speak to children and encourage them to make the most of educational opportunities, or to stand before Congress without being disrespected. Other presidents have been given this respect, regardless of people's overall political views. Clearly there are some "underlying issues" I'll call them, that prevent President Obama from getting the same respect and benefit of the doubt that all others before him have been given. Unfortunately, it seems every move he makes will be criticized, so I will simply pray for him and his family, but also for the ignorant souls who are taking extreme positions. We can always disagree politically (which I know we do even amongst The Friends), but let's not let racism or extreme politics (because it's unfair to assume these extremist views represent the majority of Republicans) cloud our judgment to the point that we can't recognize the good in any decision.

Regarding schools and permission slips. Also unfortunate is the extreme litigiousness of our society. I think public schools now operate in fear of parents (although really I'm not sure why. If the parents were that upset and had any other choice they'd move their kids, so let 'em cry about it!), and the most vocal of the parents usually win. The permission slips were probably a CYA move, which is something previous presidents didn't have to worry as much about because in 1988 parents' weren't suing districts every other week. And sadly, most of these cases, right or wrong, would end up getting settled out of court, and the only real losers are the schools who now lose money from either insurance or legal costs, which ultimately hurts teachers and students. I do, however, appreciate the schools that chose the option of "sign this if you DON'T want your kid to hear the President encourage him" rather than those who require a signature to be ALLOWED to watch.

And to Reps. Joe Wilson and Louie Gohmer--you know better, you should behave better, and I'm going to add you to the prayer list too!

And no, we have not come as far as a nation as we like to pretend. Clearly.

Since the day President Obama was elected to office, there have been many underlying insults, forms of disrespect, and just blatant disregard for the office of President. But American's have TRULY outdone themselves this week.

I was APPALLED to find a permission slip in my son's planner asking for permission to show the 20-minute speech from President Obama. At the bottom of the slip, it was either "Yes or No My child may watch this HISTORIC event". Yes, HISTORIC in all caps. At first I wanted to know why this event was so historic, but YES Widefield School District #3 of Colorado Springs-you got it right, it IS historic. Mark it down in history that a school district as a whole has undermined the office of President of the United States. It IS historic that amongst all of you educators, you found it appropriate to send a message LOUD AND CLEAR to our students, our children, that the President of the United States is the highest and most respected office, UNLESS a black man is president. In that case, we must undermine his authority, the political policies of this country, and the very state of our own union and ask for PERMISSION to let him tell our students to stay in school and motivate them to be better than they are. It IS indeed historic.  And from now on-I expect to sign a permission slip for EVERY other thing you show my son in the classroom.  You want my permission?  Fine-be consistent.

So, to the parents, those against our President, and all those making their views, their opinions, and their prejudices public-don't say a WORD when our children grow up and don't regard the U.S. Government in any respectable way. Don't say a WORD when they feel no obligation to respect the American ways or ideals. Don't say a WORD when you can't figure out why they are critically blase' about the democracy of this country, not concerned about the freedoms that all of their ancestors fought for, and ignorant to showing respect for those that may not directly be around us, but work and fight for us everyday. Blame yourself. This is the message we are sending.

To Joe Wilson, Louie Gohmer, and all others who took an OATH to work for the betterment of our country, to serve our country in some of the highest appointed offices-you have failed our country. You have failed the process, you have slapped democracy in the face, and you have told America that YOU are RACIST. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it-the truth is that you tolerate black people as long as we stay in our place.

To all the people who believe healthcare reform is not necessary-maybe it's because nobody is calling YOU about medical bills. To the people bashing the President over healthcare for illegal immigrants, remember it was George Bush that gave them basic rights IN THE FIRST PLACE. To every person that has watched someone suffer and/or die from sickness and/or debilitating disease and then watched family members struggle with medical bills-you are the biggest and worst hypocrite because we have ALL witnessed this.

President Obama, I wish I could apologize for our country. I wish I could tell you how sorry I am and how ashamed I am of the American people, but I stand proud in knowing that nothing that they do affects you. Thank you for showing THEM that we push through and that's why we get PAST. Thank you for showing THEM that we take our TESTS and turn them into TESTIMONY's. Thank you for outing the prejudice that's been hidden so long, the racism that has been underlying and hidden behind false acts of love and kindness, thank you for showing America's true colors. Red, White, and Blue have just turned into symbols for Anger, Prejudice, and Irrationality. As always, I hold you in my prayers along with all the leaders of this country. Whether Republican or democrat, man or woman, black, white, asian, or latino, outed racist or in-the-closet racist-we all serve ONE God. And for those who will be judged for the actions of your mind and the hate in your heart-Godspeed.
May God bless you because no one else can.

To everybody that thinks that Barack Obama is making changes that are NOT for the better, you better re-educate yourself on the country you are living in. It's really not acceptable for a grown person to be as ignorant as most of the population is.

WAKE UP AMERICA. Change is HERE and whether you know it not, we have needed it for quite some time.

I IMPLORE you to not be a bystander in the process and take control of YOUR rights as an American.

Congress needs to hear from YOU!

And don't let your school administrators get away with TEACHING your children to be obstinate. Take a stand and let your voice be heard.

America elected a black president, but we will never be able to vote away racism, prejudice, and hate. Now it's time to take a stand.
Change is HERE. What are YOU doing to ensure that it stays?


Dear Joe,

I say Joe and not Mr. Wilson because you don't deserve the respect that your office holds. Your outburst was political pandering to the same people who pull these stunts at the town hall meetings. As a republican I find your actions juvenile and disrespectful. There are better ways to handle yourself in a public forum and as an adult I shouldn't have to tell you this. I know at times we all disagree with Mr. Obama's policies and the speed that some things are moving. You apologized with "While I disagree with the President's statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility." You owe your party and your constituents an apology as well.

Louie Gohmert your self serving and poorly written notes most likely were in the same form as your proposed healthcare bill. Next time use the printer on your computer instead of holding up a quickly written note like a high school student.

To the Parents,

Those of you that felt the need to keep your children out of school on the day the POTUS spoke. Did you ever have a conversation with them and how they felt? Most likely no because you are not an effective communicator, I know this because instead of you letting you child hear what the Prez said you told them to walk out and cover their ears. A
better way to handle the situation would have been to TALK to YOUR child about what they heard. Express how you felt about what he said, all you did now was make them think "why" you didn't want them. You can't control what your children hear, you have to trust they follow your

Mr. Superstar

The Friend's have spoken. There are quite a few here that we can say:

What do you think? The Friend's have brought up some very valid and different viewpoints. What are you going to do?

Did your child get to view the speech? What are your thoughts?

How did you feel about President Obama's address to Congress and the reactions from them?  How do you feel about the healthcare reform?

Do you agree that the reactions come from underlying issues of racism? 

To the comment section we go!!
Posted on 11:46 AM by You Have Been TOLD and filed under | 2 Comments »


Anonymous said... @ September 10, 2009 at 1:49 PM

She-Good point about the lawsuits and public schools fearing the parents. It's something I had not thought of. NOt acceptable-but still hadn't thought of it.

You Have Been TOLD said... @ September 10, 2009 at 3:47 PM

Good read on some interesting facts.

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